Murphy Power Technologies


System Types

The main types of solar PV Systems are On-Grid, Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems.
On-Grid Systems output the produced electricity directly to the power grid (Ex: MSEB In Maharashtra). Based on the rules of the power supplier, the electricity generated by the solar power plant is effectively sold to the provider and this is offset in the electricity bill. These require permissions from the electricity supplier and special net meters to be installed.
Off-Grid Systems are completely disconnected from any external power supply. Instead, they are connected to battery banks which store the generated electricity and make it available for use later in the day. These can be installed without any permissions from third parties.
Hybrid Systems are connected both to the electricity grid and to the battery bank, providing both electricity savings as well as power backup in case of a power cut.
If one’s goal is to just generate clean energy and reduce their light bills, on-grid power plants are ideal. If one wants power backup in case of power cuts, off-grid systems are suitable. For both these uses simultaneously, hybrid systems should be used.

Performance and Input

A solar installation’s performance depends on a variety of factors such as the direction the panels point in, whether they are cleaned frequently and if clouds or any other obstacles like tall trees/nearby buildings etc. block the sunlight. Contact us for a site visit where a more detailed explanation for your particular case can be provided.
Solar panels produce energy most efficiently when they are frequently cleaned. Regular cleaning is the primary maintenance required for solar installations and is the best to keep it running in an optimal manner.
Some components of your existing system like the inverter would likely need to be changed to resize the system, but other components like the solar panels can usually be reused. Contact us for a site visit to check compatibility of resizing your existing system.
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India (MNRE) and the state government offer subsidies for certain types of solar installations, which may change from time to time. These need to be applied for by the end user, but we offer assistance by informing our customers about subsidies they will be eligible for and providing them with complete sets of all documentation needed to apply for these subsidies.
Solar power plants usually recover their cost in 3-7 years and their expected lifespan is of around 20 years. Thus in most cases, even without a subsidy, 75% of the electricity produced by a solar installation can be considered free, with an expected return of 3-4x on the initial investment. This is equivalent to an interest rate of around 6% pa, much greater than keeping the same amount of money in a bank account or an FD.


The Society should not object to the installation of the solar power plant on the rooftop / ground area. Access must also be provided to technicians for regular cleaning and maintenance for proper operation of the system.
If the solar power plant is to be connected to the grid, an appropriate capacity net meter needs to be installed by the electricity board / supplier. This will replace your existing electricity meter or added beside it. Once the system is installed, the electricity supplier will cross-check the installation and then connect it to their grid.